Youth Links
What to Expect When Calling a Helpline
When you’re feeling overwhelmed and isolated, hotline counseling offers a quick and convenient way to find trained support. Learn more about how helplines work as well as their benefits and limitations.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
1-800-273-8255 or dial 988
211 of Connecticut
Do you need assistance finding emergency housing, paying your rent or utilities bill, finding a shelter or food pantry? Visit their website or call 211 and ask to speak to a Youth Navigator.
Talk it out CT
For Parents and caregivers who need someone to understand, listen and talk their feelings out with.
Provides a list of local food pantries for the Hartford community
SNAP Benefits
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program offers food benefits to CT residents.
Shelter Housing
A list of housing resources for the Hartford Community
Center for Children’s Advocacy (CCA)
CCA offers legal services to young people. Visit their website or call 860-570-5327
Transportation Assistance
The DMV offers IDs, Licenses, Car Registration and more.
Students at participating schools can use U-Pass CT for unlimited rides within the state – even on weekends and holidays.
Hartford Public Schools Health Services
Find dental information, telehealth and other resources for Hartford students.
State of Connecticut Health Insurance
Apply, login and see if you qualify for HUSKY health or any other state insurance plans
The Village
Connect with a therapist, physician or care coordinator. No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay.
Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective
Where youth can find health & support services, information about community events, groups and other services.
Changing Faces LLC
This is where youth apart of the LGBTQ community can find resources for gender diverse young adults whether it be homeless, therapy, or events in the community.
Kamora’s Cultural Corner
This is page is for cultural humanity through a black queer Afrocentric perspective
Summer Youth Employment and Learning Program (SYELP)
For youth ages 14-24. Explore career opportunities and paid work experience each summer.
Hartford American Job Center
3580 Main St., Hartford, CT 06120
Phone: 860-256-3700
W4 CT State Income Tax Form (PDF)
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Scholarships
Offers scholarship opportunities for 2 – year, 4 – year, vocational school, graduate school and more!
Federal student Aid for college or graduate school