Workforce Readiness
Young People need the skills to Earn & Grow
- Learn how to get and keep a job
- Service-Learning Projects
- Internships
- Job Placement
In fy24:
Hartford Youth Service Corps

The Hartford Youth Service Corps (HYSC) was envisioned by Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin to address the lack of employment opportunities for Hartford youth. Since 2016, OPP has partnered with the City of Hartford to implement the YSC.
Members of the YSC will participate in:
- Paid Service Learning Projects
- Educational Supports
- Job Readiness Training
- Goal Setting
- Personal Development Workshops
Every young person that enters into the YSC is integrated with OPP’s personal development, academic achievement, and workforce readiness services.
The YSC connects youth to their community through paid service learning projects including
- Seasonal yard cleanup for Hartford homebound
- Preparation of non-perishable items at FoodShare events
- Operation of The Carousel at Bushnell Park
- Community Garden Projects
- Hartford Community Beautification Initiatives
… and more!

HYSC impact since 2016
digital dividend

Digital DividEND offers job training, internships, and a potential career path for youth interested in learning how to refurbish computers, which are then distributed free of charge to underserved Hartford residents.
Through Digital DividEND, youth are:
- Earning a certification in Google IT Support through online courses
- Gaining on-the-job training and knowledge
- Given opportunity for an IT internship at Hartford Hospital or Comp-U Tech upon completion of their training
- Giving back to the community by refurbishing and distributing computers to first-generation college students and senior residents in the Hartford community.

In FY24 Youth earned it certifications
with hands-on experience refurbishing
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a training and employment program for young adults with barriers to employment.
Through WIOA, OPP offers youth 120 hours of paid internship experience and job placement in the following fields:
1. Advanced Manufacturing
2. Allied Health
3. Transportation and logistics
4. IT
5. Construction
I came to OPP because I knew I needed to focus on myself and my future. Within weeks of being at OPP, I started my job at CVS. Since then, I've been able to earn my guard card and I'm excited to start looking into colleges and continuing my education. If you're determined and have the passion, you will succeed!
- Antoine
Key HYSC Partners

A HYSC Initiative

WIOA is powered by